Thursday, April 24, 2008

Taking Time

This title could have many multiple meanings, and I will probably touch on several of them. First this pic is from me and my roomate Carrie taking time to go to a great coffee shop near us in order to do "stupid crap" we didn't want to do. But look how greatly she matches the walls! 

Another way this phrase has been rolling through my mind is that I need to be taking more time to be alone with Jesus. I have a hunch He's been getting jealous of my time usage. That hunch comes from the fact that a series of things have happened which have completely disrupt my plans. 

About two weeks ago, I was supposed to go back to Staples for a musical, but instead I ended up with a dead car on an exit ramp after running out of gas. I know, it was completely my fault. So as I sat there waiting for a friend, I opened my Bible. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that suffering produces perseverance." Yep, I flipped right to James 1. And I got the hint. 

Then yesterday, I had spent an absurd amount of time on this very computer. It kind of crossed my mind that some of that time could have been spent better, but I justified it by saying a lot of the time was at work, doing work, and there wasn't really another option! I ate dinner outside with a friend and I pulled out my computer to show her something. Instead, the wind tipped over my water glass right on to the keyboard! It didn't turn on. Surprisingly, the potential wrecked technology didn't bother me. I took it as another not-so-subtle hint. PTL, it turned on shortly after Core Team training, after we prayed about it, and Nate looked at it. I'm really glad I don't have to pay to have it fixed. 

Then today. I met Molly at Overflow Cafe for two hours of fantastic fellowship. I went out to my car, only to discover I had left my lights on and not even my electronic locks would work! A nice guy from inside the cafe gave me a jump (it took 20 minutes to recharge!) and then I finally went about my day. While I was running errands, I saw a friend a little ways off. But because my head was full of all my own stuff, I walked by and pretended I hadn't noticed. 

So what have we learned? Coley is a space cadet. 

Well, I won't deny it. But I also know that when I get this distracted and crazy, my soul is running on empty. That works about as well for myself as it did for my car. I beg you, please take time before this starts to sound like your life. If it already does sound like this, or worse, Stop it! Rest in your Father. Take some time to recharge, refill, rest. 

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Because I'm Just That Brilliant (alternative title: Think About Sugar!)

This morning I decided I wanted beef stew for dinner. Now, I don't usually think about dinner at 9 in the morning, but this requires 8 hours in the crock-pot, so I kind of had to. For just throwing in random veggies, potatoes and meat it turned out pretty good! 

At the last minute I decided we needed some corn bread with it. Jiffy corn bread is about as low maintenance as you can get while still having some taste. All it takes is an egg and a little milk. If only...

Instead of 1/3 cup milk, I put in 1 and 1/3 cups! Yes math majors, that is 4 times too much. Thankfully I had two more packages, so I was able to make it work, but I now have corn bread coming out my ears. All in all, dinner turned out well and I have more of that as well! 

Regarding the alternative title: 
One day when Kelsey and I were home we decided to make chocolate chip cookies...not a rare occasion. Everything was going fine until Kelsey put in way too much salt (Kels, was it two or four times the amount?). Either way, the cookies came out only okay. That might be stretching it. So while we ate them (no one else wanted to!) we told each other to "think about sugar!" It didn't help. But now it comes up again any time we screw up a recipe. I'm sure we'll have even bigger mistakes in the future, and when that time comes, I'll be sure to tell you about them. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's Done!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I have survived the NCD Annual Conference! It was 48 hours (over three days) of PowerPoints, videos, logistics, and chatting. I think there were more video ad screen-reliant things this year than previous. It was sometimes like a zoo without locks on the cages, but every animal was put in it's place eventually. 

I drove back from rochester and went straight to a park with Jess. It was the first nap in the sun this wonderful! Tomorrow I'll probably have to go to the office a little, but not too much hopefully. I am excited to get back to person-to-person ministry, which has been lacking in the last couple of weeks because of Conference prep. 

Next up, Student Ministries Conference! Another annual conference, but for kids. That's more my forte. I'm teaching a seminar at it...maybe I should think about...what's my topic? Oh yeah, The Bible. No biggie. I should be able to narrow that down nicely for 45 mintues...please think of me in your prayers! 

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Never a Dull Moment

I know it's an over-used phrase, but there truly has been no dull moment in the last month. Today the Annual Conference for the North Central District begins. My life has been consumed by District Reports, double-sided printings, spiral binding machines, and collating. They've actually been calling me "Coley the Collator." Yeah. But this evening the ball starts rolling, and hopefully the track is set. It is especially at these times when my dad saying, "All you have to be is 30 seconds ahead," runs through my mind. 

On Friday I was supposed to go home to see my high school's production of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. My sister choreographed it, and a good friend of mine directed it. Unfortunately (now, this is the short version), I ran out of gas on my way back to my apartment. As I was pulled over on the entrance ramp to 35W-south, waiting for my wonderful friend Jen Wallis to rescue me, I sat. I decided that perhaps the Lord had been desiring my attention for some time, and perhaps I should use this required waiting period to spend it with him. I grabbed my Bible and it fell open to Matthew. That didn't feel right, so I thumbed through the NT. James looked good. Of course, the first thing I read is, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds..." I had totally forgotten that was in James when I stopped there. How could I not see that coming! Obviously the Lord wanted me to slow down, and if the only way that was going to happen was to literally run out of gas, then so be it. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths He will go to get back His kids. This is the kind of jealousy He has--our Father allows no play, car, friends, or schedule to push Him out of the matter what I do about it. 

Is life going to get any less crazy? Probably not soon. But, at least for now I know what's most important. 

What an adventure
to live a life of trust.